Planning Together for the Benefit of All
About Shared Path Consultation Initiative
We believe that planning can be a tool for supporting the creation of healthy and vibrant communities. Mutual flourishing requires understanding how Canada’s colonial history informs the present (planning today) and is crucial for planning a future that benefits all.
Municipalities are mandated through the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to incorporate constitutionally-protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights into their official planning policies and processes. Under the new Ontario Provincial Planning Statement 2024, municipalities are instructed to engage early with their Indigenous neighbours when creating land use plansĀ as well as in land use decision-making that impacts the exercise of Aboriginal or Treaty Rights. This is to ensure Indigenous interests are considered when identifying, protecting, and managing archaeological resources, built heritage resources, and cultural heritage landscapes. Municipalities are not, however, provided with guidance or additional funding to fulfill this obligation. Indigenous communities are looking to better navigate and inform these processes and engage in proactive relationship-building with local governments.
Shared Path aims to facilitate relationship-building opportunities for rights holders, First Nations and local governments, institutions, and organizations for reconciliation through access to resources, research, and education.
Shared Path is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of nine individuals who have shown exemplary leadership, service and knowledge in the areas of Indigenous consultation, land-use planning, strategic and business planning; corporate, human resources, financial, legal and risk management, and the not-for-profit sector.
Funders & Partners
Our work is generously supported through grants from the following institutional and government bodies, as well donations from the following individuals: Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation, Ontario Trillium Foundation, the McLean Foundation, Debbie Steiss & Ron Williamson, Andrew Stewart, Peter Carruthers.
Shared Path is also fortunate to partner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute, the City Institute at York University, Evergreen, the Urban Land Institute, Level, and others.