Our Quarterly Check in With You
Written by Admin, Admin •
As part of our efforts to keep you, our members and supporters, appraised and involved in our work, we are providing quarterly updates on our programs, events, and plans.
Here’s what we were up to in Q2 (April to June) of 2022…
Events and Webinars
June was a busy month for us as we co-hosted our first two in-person events since 2019! It was energizing to see people in person again and be able to interact differently. However, we understand that many people are not comfortable attending in-person events and will strive to make such events hybrid for the foreseeable future.
Precarious dwelling: what is the housing question under settler-colonial urbanism?
With York University’s International Political Economy and Ecology (IPEE) summer school

On June 8th some 60 members of Shared Path, students of the IPEE summer school, guests and friends gathered at the Center for Social Innovation (Annex) to hear from visiting lecturer Libby Porter, Heather Dorries and Lisa Meyers as part of the International Political Economy and Ecology (IPEE) summer school. Speakers articulated links between contemporary housing injustice and the racist myth of terra nullius that has informed people-place relationships since invasion. We were very pleased to be invited to co-host this thought provoking event and hope to collaborate with the IPEE and York faculty again in the future.
Indigenous Relations Workshop
With the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Toronto, Allied, and Westbank

In January 2020, ULI Toronto approached Shared Path about collaborating on a series of workshops on the role of the real estate sector in truth and reconciliation. On June 10th, 2022 we hosted our first in-person workshop along with partners Allied and Westbank. This session focused on advancing participants’ understanding of the shared history of Indigenous and non-Indigenous (settler) peoples in Canada. The workshop included an opening smudging ceremony followed by participation in the KAIROS blanket exercise, which offered a unique experiential learning opportunity about the history of Indigenous peoples and settlers in Turtle Island, now known as Canada. Future workshops will delve into working with Indigenous peoples and the opportunities to collaborate with Indigenous Nations in real estate development.
Other Event Updates
The Virtual Kairos Blanket Exercise scheduled for July 12th was cancelled due to low registration numbers. We are not sure whether the low interest was due to summer scheduling or the virtual format of this event. Let us know what you think! admin@sharedpath.ca
Shared Land Map

The SLM project has provided an opportunity for staff to connect (or reconnect) with many First Nations and foster relationships. We appreciate all of the band staff and members who took the time to show us around and share their thoughts, insights, and perspectives. These conversations are essential for understanding the potential of an organization like Shared Path and shaping the direction of our work.

Our aim is to officially launch the Shared Land Map tool at this year’s Annual General Meeting of members scheduled on Friday, October 14th.
Supporting Indigenous Nations
Shared Path published our statement on the over use of MZOs on May 16th: https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/shared-path-says-mzos-are-compromising-truth-and-reconciliation-efforts-in-ontario-853662689.html
Resource Database
As “In the Know” continues to go out weekly, our list of recommended resources continues to grow! Check out all of the resources we have recommended here: https://sharedpath.ca/recommended-reading-and-viewing/
The latest resource added to our database is the Case Summary- SON v T&P Hayes. Check it out here: https://sharedpath.ca/find-resources/overview/area/resource/?id=9252
The Annual General Meeting of members is scheduled for Friday, October 14th in Toronto, Ontario. This will be a hybrid event. More details to come.
Shared Path will have employment opportunities in the near future, so keep your ear to the ground for good candidates to send our way!